featured image for signs you need to replace dental crowns

Signs You Need to Replace Dental Crowns

Some people wonder if dental crowns are durable many years after they have been put in. Whether due to damage, injury, or bruxism, crowns can wear down over time. But since they adhere to your teeth with bridges or dental adhesive, many people tend to wonder: Do you need to replace dental crowns? Below, we … Read more

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Top Surprising Health Benefits of Dental Cleaning

At Dental Care of Chino Hills, we place a strong emphasis on maintaining optimal oral health throughout your life. Our dedicated family and cosmetic dentist is always ready to address any dental concerns by scheduling regular visits and cleaning appointments. The best thing that anyone can do for their dental health is to make sure … Read more

woman excited seeing that dental implants are worth it after treatment

Are Dental Implants Worth It?

Despite the advancements in the field of dentistry, missing teeth are still a common issue. There are a number of risks associated with missing teeth. They can impact your oral health by increasing your risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Dental implants can even change the structure and appearance of your facial structure. Dental … Read more

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How to Change Teeth Size or Shape

Having a white, straight, and uniform-looking smile is something everyone wants. While some people are born with teeth that are aligned and uniform in terms of shape and size, others may require intervention to achieve their desired smile. Cosmetic dentistry can improve the look of your smile with ease. In fact, there are a number … Read more

concept of whiter teeth after whitening

How Many Shades Whiter Will My Teeth Be After Whitening?

Having a bright smile is something everyone wants due to the major benefits. If you are unhappy with the color of your teeth, a professional teeth whitening treatment can improve the look of your smile. You may wonder, how many shades whiter will my teeth be after whitening? Below you will find more information on … Read more

concept of helping your teen prepare for a root canal

Helping Your Teen Prepare for a Root Canal

A root canal is a dental procedure that involves removing the soft center of the tooth, often referred to as the “pulp.” The pulp is made up of nerves, connective tissues, and blood vessels that are necessary when the tooth is growing. However, the pulp can be removed once the tooth is fully formed if … Read more

concept of can dental implants be removed

Can Dental Implants Be Removed?

Despite the advancements in dental care over the last few decades, tooth loss is still highly common. It can occur due to the natural aging process, poor oral hygiene, or even a traumatic injury. Finding a replacement option is necessary to ensure your oral health stays in good shape. Dental implants are an effective tooth … Read more

concept of dental bridges for young adults

Dental Bridges for Young Adults

Tooth loss can occur at any age, even when you are young. Tooth loss can occur for a variety of reasons, including an accident, injury, or even due to poor oral hygiene. Replacing a missing tooth is necessary to avoid further dental issues and ensure you look and feel your best. If you are younger … Read more

concept of teens have dental crowns

Can Teens Have Dental Crowns?

Dental issues can arise at any age. There are a number of effective treatment options that can help address your teens dental issues. You may wonder, can teens have dental crowns? Below you will find more information about dental crown treatment and its benefits. Can Teens Have Dental Crowns? Dental crowns are an effective treatment … Read more

concept image of purpose of dental x-rays

The Purpose of Dental X-Rays

If you have been to the dentist you may have gotten an X-ray. An X-ray provides the dentist with images of the interior portions of your teeth and gums. These can be used to comprehensively evaluate your oral health when combined with a physical examination. Below you will find more information, including the purpose of … Read more