concept of helping your teen prepare for a root canal

Helping Your Teen Prepare for a Root Canal

A root canal is a dental procedure that involves removing the soft center of the tooth, often referred to as the “pulp.” The pulp is made up of nerves, connective tissues, and blood vessels that are necessary when the tooth is growing. However, the pulp can be removed once the tooth is fully formed if … Read more

child holding cheek, pained expression

Does My Child Need a Root Canal?

While most people often associate root canals with permanent teeth, children may require a root canal in certain circumstances as well. Children have their baby teeth until around the age of six or seven when they begin to fall out. After a child’s baby teeth fall out, their permanent teeth should erupt shortly after. If … Read more

patient having dental treatment

When is the Right Time to Have a Root Canal

When you have a tooth decay which is from bad to worse, a typical filling is no longer good enough to resolve the issue. In this your, the tooth will have a  bacterial infection which can spread deeper on the affected tooth to affect the pulp tissue, so that putting a dental filling will only make … Read more

What is root canal therapy and what it does in your tooth?

Root canal therapy, otherwise known as simply root canal, is a treatment procedure performed by dentists to rescue and restore severely decayed and infected tooth. Dental infection that is left untreated may progress to other parts of the tooth, may reach the pulp of your tooth or the nerve chamber and may eventually develop to … Read more