Laser Dentistry – Taking the Sting Out of Your Dentist Visits

Did you know that an estimated 75% of adults in the US experience fear surrounding going to the dentist? For many who avoid visits to the dentist at all cost, the fear can steam from their childhood experiences or previous painful visits. Whether you have repeatedly experienced pain from visits to the dentist or have recently had a particularly jarring experience, there is a new form of dentistry that you should highly consider- laser dentistry. To see how laser dentistry can help any dental issues you are having, contact your Chino Hills dentist today.

What is Laser Dentistry?

Laser Dentistry uses a laser to correct a multitude of dental issues. Although it has been in practice since 1989, it has recently increased in popularity compared to standard dental practices, which can include drills and other non-laser tools. Laser dentistry is a preferred option for those who experience dentist-related anxiety. Patients say it provides a more comfortable, painless option. If you have been experiencing any dental issues, but have been putting off a visit to the dentist, consider laser dentistry.

How is Laser Dentistry used?

As mentioned previously, laser dentistry is used for a multitude of dental issues and corrections. This is because the laser affects both hard and soft tissue. Here are some common ways that laser dentistry helps patients:

  • Early cavity detection. Lasers can detect evidence of tooth decay, which can directly indicate early warning signs of a cavity forming.
  • Dental fillings. Instead of using local anesthesia and a drill, a laser kills the bacteria in the cavity and helps the area heal quicker.
  • Correcting a “gummy” smile. Pain-free lasers can be used to reshape the tissue surrounding the teeth where the “gummy” smile is occurring.

It also exposes wisdom teeth, removes gum inflammation, and regenerates damaged nerves. For more about laser dentistry, visit your Chino Hills dentist at your earliest convenience.

What are the Benefits of Opting for Laser Dentistry?

Aside from being a more comfortable solution, there are additional benefits of laser dentistry to consider. One of the first benefits is that laser dentistry can erase the need for anesthesia in a multitude of procedures. Another benefit of opting for laser dentistry is that is can avoid inflicting damage to the surrounding tissue. It also has been known to make the wounds heal faster, so there is less recovery time after the procedure(s) as well. Lastly, the use of laser dentistry can remove the need for stitches during the healing process.

Laser Technology with Your Chino Hills Dentist

With this innovative option, laser dentistry can be a game changer for those who experience fear at the dentist. Since it is important to keep on top of your dental health, and regular visits are an important component of that, then you should talk to the professionals about if laser dentistry is right for you. To get more information on this dental practice and hear about how it can help you specifically, contact us at Dental Care of Chino Hills. We have extensive experience with the technology and are experts in providing top-notch care to all of our patients. To get started on your pain-free dental journey, contact our team today.