Periodontal Gum Disease & It’s Treatment


The term periodontal gum disease literally means around the tooth. Other terms are gum disease and periodontis, both of which mean inflammation of the gum tissue. Gum disease is common and typically responds well to early treatment. It affects the surrounding and supporting soft tissues of the teeth. When the disease advances to the severe stage, it can cause inflammation and infection in the jawbone itself.


Gingivitis is the technical term for the earliest stages of periodontal disease. Initially, keeping up with regular dental check-ups and occasional tooth planing is often enough to reverse its course. The situation is more serious when the space between the teeth and gums is greater than four millimeters. By this point, bone and soft tissue is actively being destroyed by gum disease.

Other Types of Periodontal Disease

The following are the most common types of dental problems that require periodontal or gum disease treatments:

  • Aggressive Periodontis: A person who develops aggressive periodontis is generally healthy otherwise. Symptoms include chronic destruction of bone and gum attachment.
  • Chronic Periodontis: When inflammation spreads to supporting tissues of the teeth, the result is gum recession and deep pockets. Because the root portion of the tooth is exposed, the patient’s teeth appear longer than normal.
  • Necrotizing Periodontis: People with this condition typically have other serious health issues like HIV.
  • Periodontis Caused by Systemic Disease: This condition is most common in people with heart disease or diabetes. It can begin at any age.

Guides on How to Cure Periodontal

Dr. Changela uses both non-surgical and surgical procedures to treat periodontal disease. These include:

  • Dental Implants: These replace teeth lost to gum disease in spite of previous treatment efforts.
    Pocket Elimination Surgery: Also called flap surgery, this procedure works by reducing the size of gum pockets. Severe infections may require surgery of the jaw.
  • Scaling and Root Planing: Dr. Changela removes plaque and tartar with this method in the early stages of the disease. He also recommends using medicated mouthwash to prevent a recurrence.
  • Tissue Regeneration: Dr. Changela inserts a collagen membrane into the infected area to help regenerate healthy gum tissue.

Ask your Dental Care of Chino Hills dentist about periodontal disease, periodontal treatment or dental implants.

Call Dental Care of Chino Hills today or schedule an appointment for more convenience.