Causes of Wisdom Teeth Pain

Wisdom teeth can result in a variety of different experiences for people. For some, wisdom teeth erupt and do not need to be removed. However, roughly 85% of people need to remove their wisdom teeth. They often emerge between the ages of 17 to 25. Wisdom teeth pain can impact your daily life making it difficult to eat and speak. Below you will find the common causes of wisdom teeth pain.

Causes of Wisdom Teeth Pain

Wisdom tooth pain can be excruciating for some. It can develop slowly and gradually or suddenly. For those whose wisdom teeth come in slowly the pain may not be as intense. However, those whose wisdom teeth seem to erupt overnight can have more sudden and sharp pain. Below are some of the common causes of wisdom teeth pain.


You may experience pain due to overcrowding once your wisdom teeth erupt. Wisdom teeth can erupt and push forward the rest of your teeth. This pressure can result in serious pain and discomfort.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth:

Impacted wisdom teeth get stuck under the surface of your gums. When a wisdom tooth gets stuck under the surface of your gum it can grow at a crooked angle. This can cause pain and other complications.


An infection can occur if you have impacted wisdom teeth. Impacted wisdom teeth put too much pressure on your jaw and other teeth which can result in infection, numbness, and pain. If impacted wisdom teeth are left untreated, serious issues can arise.

Symptoms of Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom tooth pain can feel similar to other types of tooth pain so it’s important to understand the slight differences. Pain caused by wisdom teeth often comes from the back of your mouth (behind your molars). The pain may be accompanied by redness, inflammation, and is often tender to the touch. It’s helpful to look into a mirror to determine if you can see your wisdom teeth poking out of your gums. While some may experience all of these symptoms, others may experience little to no pain. If you experience the pain or think that your wisdom teeth may have come in it’s important to contact a dental professional.

Addressing Wisdom Tooth Pain

If you experience any of the symptoms associated with wisdom teeth, it’s important to schedule an appointment with a family dentist in Chino Hills. A skilled dentist can assess your oral health and determine the cause of your oral pain. This can often be done by evaluating your mouth and taking X-rays. If the cause of your oral pain is your wisdom teeth, you’ll likely need wisdom tooth extraction in Chino Hills. It’s important to get your wisdom teeth removed promptly due to the risk of complications.

Short-Term Remedies for Wisdom Tooth Pain

If your dentist can get you in for wisdom tooth removal right away it’s important to manage your pain in the meantime. However, these remedies should not be used in lieu of wisdom tooth removal. Still, consider the following short-term remedies for wisdom tooth pain.

Over-the-Counter Pain Medication:

For minor pain relief, over-the-counter pain medications can help. Still, if you are in excruciating pain that impedes your daily life, talk with your dental and medical providers to discuss other pain management options.

Ice Chips:

Ice chips can help reduce swelling and numb the area around your wisdom teeth. Use small ice chips and apply them near your wisdom tooth pain.

Salt Water Rinse:

This can help reduce your pain and reduce the risk for infection. Mix 8 ounces of water with 2 teaspoons of salt and shake the mixture. Rinse and gargle the mixture a few times a day for the best benefits.