How to Ease Dental Anxiety

You are not alone if you fear going to the dentist. People feel anxious about the dentist for a variety of reasons. However, you shouldn’t avoid going to your regular dental visits as it can harm your oral and overall health. If you have dental fear, consider the following tips on how to ease dental anxiety.

Dental Anxiety and Dental Phobia

Dental anxiety occurs when you feel uncomfortable about an upcoming dental appointment. You may have feelings of worry or uneasiness before you go in. However, dental anxiety does not generally hold people back from going to the dentist. Dental phobia is a more severe form of fear about going to the dentist. People with dental phobia often panic or feel terrified about their appointment and avoid going at all costs.

Common symptoms include:

  • Trouble sleeping the night before your appointment
  • Extreme nervousness in the waiting room
  • Inability to enter the dental office
  • Crying or feeling physically ill when you think about going to the dentist

How to Ease Dental Anxiety

Due to the importance of regular dental care, it’s necessary to understand why you are fearful about going to the dentist. Consider the following common reasons why people fear the dentist and how to ease your dental anxiety based on that.

Pain or Discomfort:

Nobody wants to feel pain or any type of discomfort so it is understandable that this may hold you back. However, the technological advancements in dentistry have made so many treatments and procedures pain free. You can talk with your dentist in Chino Hills about any potential pain or discomfort and what they can do about it. Local anesthetic and other helpful pain reduction methods can be used to ensure your experience is comfortable. The best way to combat this fear is to talk directly to your dentist so you both are prepared for the appointment.


So many people let their regular dental checkups slide. This can turn into years without seeing the dentist. Many people fear the shame that may come with that. Before you get to your appointment, let your dentist know that it’s been a few years (or more, maybe!). A great dentist will be happy you are in their office and have zero judgment about your dental history. It’s better that you are in the chair now than letting a few more years build up.

Lack of Control:

Some people feel like they don’t have any control when they are in the dental chair. This can be understandably overwhelming. One of the best ways to deal with the lack of control is to understand what will happen during your entire appointment. For example, if you know that you will be getting an X-ray and a cleaning, you know exactly what to expect on the day of your appointment. Talk to the receptionist or oral hygienist in advance and let them know about your fears and get a breakdown of the appointment. In some cases, sedation dentistry in Chino Hills is appropriate.

Unknown Cause:

If you don’t know the cause of your dental anxiety, that’s okay! However, if it holds you back from going to the dentist it may be helpful to talk with a counselor. Fear and anxiety are highly common, especially when it comes to the dentist. A counselor can help walk you through your fear and give you effective coping mechanisms to ensure you can get through your regular dental appointments.

Dentist in Chino Hills

If you have dental anxiety, contact the team at Dental Care of Chino Hills. They are equipped with sedation dentistry options and have helped patients overcome their fear of the dentist. Contact their office today to schedule an appointment!