Why Are Kids Scared of the Dentist?

Visiting the dentist can cause children worry and anxiety. In fact, dental anxiety is common among both children and adults. However, the fear should not stop your child from going to their dental visits. There is a direct link between one’s oral and overall health. This is especially true for children. Their oral health in childhood has a direct link to their oral health outcomes as adults. If your child has anxiety about their next visit, you may wonder, why are kids scared of the dentist? Below you will find more information about dental anxiety among children.

Why Are Kids Scared of the Dentist?

There are a number of reasons why your child may fear the dentist. Consider the following if your child has anxiety about the dentist.

Fear of Choking:

Dental appointments involve putting both tools and the dentist’s hands in the mouth. This can cause serious anxiety in children. They may fear choking or even gagging. The dental chair is a particularly vulnerable place for children. One way to help support your child is to choose a pediatric dentist near you in Chino Hills. They can talk with your child before the appointment and walk them through each step. Consider a dentist that is focused on children that has a welcoming environment. This can help reduce the anxiety in your child during their appointment.

Fear of Needles:

Needles can cause discomfort to many. It can be the sight of them or feeling them in one’s mouth. However, both can cause fear and anxiety among children. This can be due to a past experience or a story from someone else. Either way, focus on supporting your child. Let them know a numbing cream is used so they won’t feel serious pain. Talk with their dentist in advance so they can cover the tools. Needles are not used at every dental appointment so that can also help give them some piece of mind. Talk to them in advance if their appointment requires using needles.

Fear of Pain:

Dental anxiety is common due to the nature of dental appointments. Many children fear how much pain they will experience. Prior bad appointments can exacerbate this fear. One of the best ways to improve this is to get your child into the dentist early on. It is recommended that children visit the dentist no later than their first birthday. After that, they should attend checkups every six months. This exposure can help your child feel more comfortable. If your child is older, consider switching to a pediatric dentist. This can ensure that their needs are met. In addition, they can build a healthy relationship with the dentist.

Loss of Control:

Fear of the unknown amplifies your child’s dental anxiety. There are a lot of unknowns at the dental office. This includes the staff, tools, process, smells, and even noises. This can be exacerbated if you don’t choose a pediatric dentist. Search for a skilled pediatric dentist that has the skills and experience with children. They often have a more welcoming office with friendly staff. Your child needs to feel supported and safe to feel empowered during their appointment.

Chino Hills Dentist

If your child has dental fear or anxiety, consider working with a Chino Hills dentist. The team at Dental Care of Chino Hills works with children daily. They have the necessary skills and experience to ensure your child feels safe and comfortable. In addition, they are focused on helping your child build healthy oral care habits. You can count on their team when it comes to your child’s dental care. Avoid waiting and contact their office to schedule an appointment today!