Can Teens Have Dental Crowns?

Dental issues can arise at any age. There are a number of effective treatment options that can help address your teens dental issues. You may wonder, can teens have dental crowns? Below you will find more information about dental crown treatment and its benefits.

Can Teens Have Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are an effective treatment that can help ensure the long-term health of your child’s smile. The restorative treatment option is conservative and can offer a number of benefits to teens.

Prevents Further Damage:

Dental crowns can help prevent further damage to your teeth and overall oral health. They are used to address serious dental damage. In fact, crowns essentially cover and protect your teen’s tooth. Without a dental crown, the damaged tooth is vulnerable to infection and further damage. Further damage may require a root canal or even extraction without the protection of a dental crown.

Prevents Complex Dental Issues:

Choosing dental crowns can prevent more complex dental issues. Because teens’ jawbones are still developing, certain restorative options are not possible. For example, a dental implant is not an option due to the need for full jaw development. If your child’s dentist in Chino Hills recommends a dental crown it’s important to move forward with treatment. Without it, further damage can impact your teen’s oral health and leave them with minimal options to address the issue.

Improved Appearance:

Teens deal with a lot of issues as they navigate adolescents. With that, dental issues can impact their self-confidence and appearance. Dental crowns in Chino Hills can help restore your child’s tooth and ensure that their oral health is the last thing they worry about.

Benefits of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns offer a variety of benefits for teens and adults.

Natural-Looking Treatment: Dental crowns will blend in with the rest of your teeth as they provide a natural look. Your dentist will shade match the crown to your natural teeth to ensure they look just like your natural tooth.
Preserves Natural Tooth: One of the major benefits of dental crowns is that they preserve your natural tooth. This is important as preserving your natural teeth for as long as possible can help prevent tooth decay in addition to a number of other benefits.
Long-Lasting Treatment Option: Dental implants are a long-term treatment option. As long as you maintain your oral health, crowns can last up to 15 years or more.

Dental Crown Treatment

In general, it usually takes two appointments to complete your dental crown treatment. The first appointment involves a physical examination of your mouth and X-rays. Your tooth is then reshaped in order to make space for the crown. After your tooth is reshaped, an impression of your teeth will be taken. This is necessary to ensure the crown will fit right and not impact your surrounding teeth. A temporary crown is applied, but it will be replaced at your second visit. Your second visit involves the application of your permanent crown. The dentist will ensure that the crown fits your tooth and matches your natural teeth.

Getting Dental Crowns in Chino Hills

Dental crowns can address a number of issues. They can cover a dental implant, discolored teeth, or misshapen teeth, and can even be cosmetic in some cases. In terms of restoration, dental crowns can protect a weak tooth from decay, breakage and keep parts of a cracked tooth together.

If you need dental crowns, contact the team at Dental Care of Chino Hills. They are skilled in a number of dental treatments and have helped countless patients improve their oral health with dental crowns. Contact the top dentist in Chino Hills today to schedule an appointment!