Beware the Worst Candies for Your Teeth!

Everyone has a sweet tooth, and there’s nothing wrong with treating yourself to a piece of candy every now and then. Especially around the Fall season, with Halloween around the corner, it’s hard to resist taking a few bites of something delicious. As long as eating too many sugary sweets doesn’t become a habit, you can still keep up with good dental hygiene. Knowing your limits, and knowing when to invest in a visit to your Chino Hills dentist is key to keeping your hands out of the candy jar. While some candies are fine to eat every so often, there are certain candies that are worse than others. Our Dental Care of Chino Hills staff members has found out the worst candy for your teeth.

Take a look at some of the unhealthier candies out there, as well as some alternative, healthy options!

1. Hard Candy

According to Mouth Healthy, hard candy is some of the worst candy for your teeth. You can break your teeth if you’re not careful. Plus, keeping them in your mouth over long periods of time can keep the sugar washing over your teeth, again and again, wearing them down and making room for infection and decay. Both chewing down and sucking on these types of candies can be bad decisions for your overall oral health. Although it may be difficult, try to avoid this kind of candy at all times if you can.

The Alternative: Organic Lemon Drops

Still craving a hard candy? You can invest in sugar-free lemon drops to satisfy your sweets craving. While it’s still not a good idea to chew on them, you can keep them in your mouth over long periods of time without being negatively affected by all of the sugar that’s in regular hard candies.

2. Gummy Candies

Not only are gummies one of the worst foods in the world for your overall health, but they are also among the worst candy for your teeth. They are acidic – which wears down your tooth enamel and makes your teeth prone to chipping. Additionally, gummies they also can get stuck between your teeth for ages. The sugary gelatin that sticks to your teeth allows bacteria and infection to build up. Unless you brush your teeth immediately after eating gummy candies, you might want to avoid these sticky candies this Halloween.

The Alternative: DIY Gummies

If you just can’t resist your favorite gummies, a healthy alternative would be to make them yourself. That way, you can control the amount of sugar and ingredients that go into them. We suggest xylitol as a replacement to sugar, so you don’t need to worry about wearing down the enamel and protective surfaces on your teeth. Plus, you can control the flavor. No more black licorice!

3. Popcorn Balls

Popcorn balls might not be the most common type of sweet treat on Halloween, but they’re definitely around. People love to make them at home and pass them out to trick or treaters and family members. While they are quite delicious, they can be sticky and messy. The popcorn kernels tend to stick in teeth for a long time, which can cause irritation or infection. Plus, the ball is covered with sugar, which slowly wears down the teeth.

The Alternative: Marshmallows and Nuts

Making sweet treats out of marshmallows and nuts can be a good substitute for popcorn balls. You can fashion into a ball and add some of your favorite treats, as long as they are not too packed with processed sugar. Replacing the popcorn kernels is key to having a healthier snack for Halloween. Marshmallows can be sugary too, but there are plenty of organic or sugar-free options available.

Keep Your Teeth Healthy This Halloween!

Everybody is looking forward to celebrating the holiday filled with candies and sweet treats. Our Dental Care of Chino Hills staff wants you to have as much fun as possible! It’s not necessary to swear off candy, but making a more conscious choice about what you’re eating – or how much of it – can help you practice good oral hygiene. To schedule a checkup or a cleaning, please contact us online or give us a call at (909) 310-2051 to make an appointment. We look forward to seeing you!